About Mrs. Walsh

Mrs. Walsh has been teaching at Lourdes for 18 years.  She was a 6th grade teacher for 5 years, then became the middle school math teacher for the past 13 years.  Students are expected to work hard in her classes so they can apply their math skills in their daily lives and achieve future goals.  She encourages students to ask questions and come in for help when they do not understand a concept.  All students can learn math, with a positive attitude and a strong work ethic.

Mrs. Walsh is here to help you learn and enjoy math!


  1. Mrs. Walsh,
    I am very pleased to see your use of blogs in your classes. Well done.

    • It’s working out well! Instead of sending weekly e-mails to parents that request them, they can just check my blog. I’ve been updating it on weekends for the upcoming week, then editing as needed when things don’t proceed as planned.

  2. you have helped myndaughter so much

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